best sites to sell digital art on etsy official site online

If you’re a great artist looking to make money off your work but aren’t sure how to sell art online, Etsy is a great option! Etsy is home to a huge number of sellers who sell personalized items that have a bit more charm than anything you may find at your local shops. Because of this, the option to sell art on Etsy is a great one for all types of artists.

Whether you want to sell paintings on Etsy or are a photographer looking for a new market for your prints, Etsy might be the perfect answer to your selling woes.

PLACES TO SELL YOUR DIGITAL ART › The Graphics Creator Online - Best Sites To Sell Digital Art On Etsy Official Site Online

With that said, you’ll need more than just your art in order to open a successful Etsy shop. While that may make it sound like a difficult endeavor, it really isn’t! Below are some tips to help you start selling your art on Etsy.

Where To Buy Cool Artwork Online: 43 Best Stores For Prints, Paintings, And More

To run a successful Etsy shop, you will first have to know who your competition is. This isn’t meant in a mean-spirited way, but taking a look at your competitor’s shops can give you a lot of useful information. Look for art sellers who produce similar pieces to yours in terms of size and medium so that you can get a better idea of what does sell and what doesn’t.

Another thing to look at is their price range. You want to price your art competitively while ensuring it’s not overpriced. You also don’t want to charge too little because art costs money to produce and it takes time to create.

Another thing you will want to make a note of when checking out the competition is what makes your art stand out from the rest. If you’re not sure what this might be, focus some attention on producing pieces that reflect your aesthetic and that offer something no one else is offering. Little details like including a thank you note or a discount code for a future purchase in the package can also differentiate you from the competition.

Standard Art Print Sizes To Sell

Diversifying your artwork into different products is a great experiment to try out! Your potential customers may love your artwork in different products like shirts, mugs, cushions, wall art, of course, phone cases, and more!

🔥​Pro Tip: Printify offers integration with your Etsy shop, which means you can create merch featuring your artwork and list it directly on Etsy! 

Branding is a huge part of running a successful Etsy shop, no matter what you sell. With that said, if you’re running an art shop, create a brand that makes sense for that market. Your brand should reflect your products, your personality, and should inspire loyalty from your customers.

Passive Income: The Truth About Selling Art As Digital Products Online

Contrary to popular belief, this isn’t just about your logo or color palette. Your brand does include visual elements like your logo, product packaging, and the items you sell, but it goes beyond just aesthetics. Your brand also has to do with the wording you use to communicate with your customers, the way your customers interact with your products, and even the elements that set your brand apart from the rest. This can mean having incredible customer service or using eco-friendly packaging that aligns with your brand’s values.

Think about it this way, branding is what people say about you when you’re not in the room. While you’re at it, don’t forget to customize your shop with elements like an Etsy cover photo or banner. This is a great way to improve your branding strategy and can inspire more loyalty from your customers.

PRO TIP: If you want to keep your sales high, don’t ignore seasonal trends. Updating your shop’s assets and your products to reflect the season can help increase your Etsy sales.

How To Sell Art Online And Make Money

To sell products on Etsy, you will need to have great images of what you’re selling. We understand that not everyone has the budget for a nice camera and lighting equipment and not everyone has the time to take photos and edit them.

This is where Placeit can help! Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a camera, lighting equipment, or even photography skills to get great photos of your products. It’s worth mentioning that professional images will also help you stand out from the competition.

How To Sell Art On Etsy - Best Sites To Sell Digital Art On Etsy Official Site Online

When creating your item listings on Etsy, don’t ignore the tags and keywords! While these may not seem that important, they are really important! In fact, these are what help Etsy shoppers find your products. Without tags or keywords, your products will be hidden without a way to reach potential customers.

How To Sell Digital Art And Graphics Online (the Easy Way)

As you start to type in a keyword, you may notice that Etsy will suggest keywords. Don’t ignore these either! This is Etsy’s way of helping you choose relevant keywords, and these are actually the terms people are using to search for items.

Finally, as you write in your item description, be descriptive. Let people know what size your artwork is, the medium, the supplies used, and anything else they may have questions about. Keep your description brief and concise for the best results.

A good strategy that not many people know about is spacing out your listings. The reason this is important is that Etsy features new listings at the top of their respective category for a short time. If you post all of your artwork at once you will only reach the people browsing at that moment. By spacing out your listings you can be featured multiple times at different times, helping you reach a wider audience.

How To Create Digital Downloads For Etsy Or Your Blog

Social media is a great tool for connecting, and not just with long-lost classmates. For sellers with online shops, social media is the perfect tool to reach a wider audience and make a real connection with customers.

You can join groups related to your products on different social media platforms in order to spread the word about your art. You can also share images, engage with customers, get real reviews on your products, and grow your audience. Keep in mind that having social media accounts for your brand can help people trust you more and feel more confident when purchasing from your Etsy shop.

How To Sell Art Online And Make Money - Best Sites To Sell Digital Art On Etsy Official Site Online

In fact, most people will check a brand’s social media accounts before deciding to follow through with their purchase. Be sure your Etsy shop has links to your social media accounts and that your social media accounts have a link to your Etsy shop.

Of The Best Digital Products To Sell On Etsy

Now that you have a better idea of how to successfully sell art on Etsy, what are you waiting for? Selling your art has never been easier thanks to Placeit’s design templates, so now you have no excuse not to open that shop you’ve always been tempted to start.

If you're an artist looking for an easy way to make some extra money, selling your prints online isn't a bad idea. Marketplaces like Etsy offer artists the opportunity to sell their art to buyers all over the world with just a few clicks. A quick and easy way to attract more buyers to your pieces is by using art mockups like the ones offered by Placeit. Instead of using a flat image of your artwork, put it on a mockup that allows buyers to see it hanging in a real living room! Learn more tricks like this and you'll quickly become a top Etsy seller!Passive income has become all the rave in the last few years. As a millennial, for most of us, one job is not enough to get by. The days of having a steady job, with the white picket fence home, and great 401 k plan isn’t what it was maybe 30 years ago.

I’m always looking for another way of creating a passive income. I’ve created courses, invested in stocks, slowly aiming towards monetizing my YouTube channel. By any (legal) means necessary, I’m willingly open to creating extra streams of income.

Sites To Sell Your Artwork Online

Looking for even more online side jobs? Check out this big list of remote jobs and get the tools you need to get started with each of them.

My latest venture of “creating passive income” journey came with my Etsy digital art shop. As a huge fan of home décor and a recently new home buyer, I wanted to create a space that was truly my own. There are hundreds of great digital art shops already on the website but often I felt like I would like this or that if it had a different font, or shape, or color.

Best Platforms To Sell Your Art Online - Best Sites To Sell Digital Art On Etsy Official Site Online

These very thoughts lead me down a rabbit hole of articles, YouTube, and TikTok videos on how to create my own shop.

How To Create And Sell Digital Downloads On Etsy

Whether you want to move abroad or stay abroad, grab all of A Way Abroad’s freebies and challenges by joining our VIP MemberVault.

Here are 8 simple steps you can take to start selling your own digital art on Etsy.1. Think about what you want to sell on Etsy. 

I personally chose digital art because I love creating, colors, patterns, novelty saying, and décor. I live abroad in Cape Town, South Africa so physically shipping something would not be the easiest, especially during a pandemic.

How To Sell Art On Etsy

However, starting this shop has opened me up to learning more about 100% creating my own images and fonts.


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